We are celebrating International Friendship Month this February. We have some wonderful friendships in our home from our staff and residents, to family, friends and visitors. Some of the bonds are simply unbreakable and you can see the love in the many pictures we post on our Facebook page.
We kicked off Valentines slightly early with a very special concert from cellist Corinne Frost. We also had a fun filled morning of singing and dancing with Glam Sparrow. And for Valentine's crafting we made door decorations and Valentines cards.

With the weather improving, we have resumed our day trips. There was a trip down memory lane for a couple of residents when we visited their home towns and familiar landmarks and stopped for tea and cake. Other residents visited Cherry Lane Garden Centre for some garden inspiration and of course a trip to the café.

January was also lots of fun
We enjoyed another amazing visit from our friends at Lollipop Pony Parties. The impact of therapeutic engagement with animals is always amazing to see.

There has been a bit of change for our movie afternoons as we have been trying out our brand new projector. It so nice to fully emerge ourselves into the media we love as we watch, sing and dance along.
Spring term visits from the Debutots resumed. So lovely to have the sound of kiddies laughter filling our home. Everyone always loves to get involved with these visits, singing, dancing, bubbles & story telling.
We celebrated the Chinese New Year with crafts, virtual tours, trivia and of course, a Chinese feast with chopsticks (optional!)