So much has been going on at Newstead and what better spring news than the hatching of our first duckling. Incredibly, this happened right before our residents eyes and we captured the moment on camera. There are a couple of cracks in other eggs and we can hear cheeping from inside the eggs! It’s so magical hatching ducklings at Easter time.
We also held our Easter church service with some wonderful readings from the children from St. Paul and St. James school. Residents have made Easter baskets ready for our Easter egg hunt and bunny masks for our mask parade.

Newstead’s TOP 20 AWARD
We feel incredibly proud to have been awarded again a Top 20 Care Home in the West Midlands award for 2024 from Our home consistently scores 10 out of 10 in their online reviews, which praise our warmth and friendliness, outstanding person-centred care, dedication and professionalism.
Other Spring news
As always, we marked Nutrition and Hydration Week. We had Milkshake Monday then Tasty Tea Tuesday, with lots of different fruity teas each full of vitamins. Wednesday we made some fruity tarts and Thursday fruit kebabs.

We were thrilled to welcome Ohana Therapy Ponies to Newstead. Odin the miniature Shetland and Skye the rescue dog were an absolute joy to have with us.
We also welcomed The Vet with Pets and Elliot and Fudge the Shetland Ponies to Newstead. Take a look at our video to see all the smiley faces from meeting such a wonderful and calm soul Fudge.
On International Women’s Day some of our wonderful ladies made teacup flower arrangements ready for special Mothers Day celebrations.

The talented Ray Mytton visited and gave a performance of our favourite songs. Lots of props so we could play along too. We had an cheerleading exercise class led by 3 Degreez Allstarz, Hereford Cheer, dance, stunts and tumble. Plus our green fingered residents have been planting up our hanging baskets.

Our charity support spring news
We have been looking for our next charity to help support and we have chosen The Teddy Trust. The Teddy Trust sends Teddy Bears to babies and children suffering trauma around the world. We all know the world is full of sadness and we want to help bring some smiles to children across the world. We will be collecting teddies between now until the 12th April. Please bring them in to us, labelled for Caroline and with your help we will help bring joy to others.
We also popped down to Hereford SCBU Special Care Baby Unit to drop off blankets, bonding squares and hats knitted with love from our residents, and friends and family of Newstead.