We are so fortunate to have the support of local organisations who help residents with collaborative projects. Residents wanted to make an art installation for The Leominster Priory “Threads Through Creation” Textile Art exhibition. This runs from 5th June to 21st July at The Priory 10am-4pm.
At first the blank canvas was daunting, but with help from Olivia of Creative Minds, Herefordshire, we soon got inspired…..and messy! Residents drew and cut loads of paper feathers which they assembled as giant rainbow wings. Each resident and their creative spirit is immortalised within the wings. We persuaded Mayor Gillian Murdoch to model them for a photo.

Other projects with our community….
We are entering the Herefordshire Growing Point annual show in August. Residents are deciding which show categories to enter and making plans. Last year we had some winning entries, so our green fingered residents hope to repeat that success. It gives such a sense of purpose and achievement for many residents. They are supported with their gardening projects by the Herefordshire Growing Point team. Growing point have just restarted sessions with us, making newspaper pots to plant our beans and hopefully winning sunflowers!

Continuing our garden project, the grass has been sown on our surrounding garden. We have also sown our wild flowers and planted up the window boxes with plants from Eaton Barnes. Now we just need some sunshine!
The Orchestra of the Swan are coming in for four sessions. Each with two musicians, playing in our conservatory and also in residents’ rooms. Martha on the Trombone and Phil on the Bassoon brightened up a grey afternoon.

….. And projects at home
We have had a real foodie month – any excuse with all the fun National Days. There was Donut Week, Humuus Day, Cocktail Day and National Biscuit Day! West Eaton’s top vote went to the chocolate Bourbon (the first biscuit on the moon!). One of the things we enjoy is to make rocky road. We use left over Easter eggs (yes it does happen!) Plus, any other lovely things we can find, marshmallows, cranberries, nuts, Malteasers.
One of our residents, Ian, is actively involved in life at West Eaton. Always thinking about others, he wanted to make something special to share with everyone for his birthday. So, he made a batch of chocolate and Brazil nut flapjacks.
We in turn have been working on a secret project for his birthday surprise! He likes a rather neglected cabin that we have in our gardens. So we pushed out the wildlife and spruced it up as a surprise. Somewhere for him to go for a bit of quiet time! Though, naturally he wants everybody to join him!

D-Day celebrations
To mark 80 years since D-Day, the RAF Benevolent Fund launched a Tin Foil Aeroplane challenge! The residents and staff enjoyed perfecting their planes. How far would they fly? Arthur, a retired RAF serviceman himself, was the furthest of the residents at 5.5metres. Emlyn, our chef, who usually falls out of planes, won with his 8metres!

Our BIG Summer seaside project
Buckets and spades at the ready! In the last week of June, we are bringing the seaside to West Eaton, creating our own beach. There will be lots of seaside nostalgia including a Punch and Judy show, an ice cream van, fish and chips, cocktails and hopefully there will be sunshine! That is definitely long overdue!