Fundraising for our garden project kicks off this Easter. We are having an Easter raffle to be drawn at our Easter Hat Parade on Thursday 28th March. Looking ahead, we are hosting a Country Fair on 1st June, an Autumn Fair and scarecrow competition 21st September.
Our garden project
We have a newly formed committee made up of 3 nursing residents and 3 residential residents. They have been discussing with other residents what they would like to see in the garden. We have already started putting in place their plans with 3 new raised beds that residents have earmarked for vegetables. They would also like a greenhouse for cuttings and seedlings, potting bench and more.

We had a visit from the new Lower Sixth students from Kings School. It was a blustery day so we had planned indoor activities. We didn’t quite plan on building 2 greenhouses, but that’s what happened! Such enthusiasm all round – teamwork makes the dream work!

A day of thanks for our Guide Dogs project
It was wonderful to have a visit from Guide Dogs Worcester. Some of the team came with a few of the trainee guide dogs. We celebrated together our residents, family and friends huge fundraising achievement and handed over a giant cheque for £2500.

In other news…..
There was lots of fun for Red Nose Day. Fancy dress, red noses and fun games.

We highlighted the importance of hydration for the elderly in Nutrition and Hydration Week. Everyone loved the smoothie tasting.
Residents have been busy crafting Easter bonnets for our Easter Hat Parade. This will be at our afternoon tea and games on Maundy Thursday. We also had a visit from the children of Kempsey Primary School delivering beautiful hand-crafted Easter cards.

We have been getting outside to garden in the gaps between the rain! And planting seeds indoors. Some residents enjoyed a trip out, thanks for Worcester Wheels. The destination was St Peters Garden Centre for some planting inspiration BC (before cake!).

Thank you to our fabulous volunteer Sarah for an afternoon of poetry and prose.

For April ….
We are starting a new debate/discussion activity fortnightly. There is a Resident and Relatives Meeting at the end of April and we will also be celebrating St George’s Day. We have day trips to the museum and art gallery planned and for entertainment at home we have musicians visiting from The Orchestra of The Swan. Also, armchair travel is starting again monthly – we are off to Spain on 19th April.