On 6th July we hosted our Country Fayre with The Good Day Farm. Thank you to everyone who supported us with this event. Our residents put so much into preparing for the day, making jam and marmalade and gorgeous crafts, plus putting together the two tombolas and the raffle.

Our Country Fayre
We are so happy to say that despite the challenging weather, we had a hugely successful Fayre. Residents managed to sell many of their creations – the plant stall was a big hit. The Good Day Farm animals are gorgeous (especially the goats and pigs!) and it made the day so special having them there. Thank you to all our families and friends who joined for cream teas with Pimms and cider. Thank you to all our volunteers and staffing team and the team at The Good Day Farm. Funds raised from our Country Fayre are going towards are Garden Development project.

Country crafts
We also welcomed Vicky of Dovecote Willow, who came to demonstrate weaving with willow. She made it look so easy BUT after our deputy manager Michelle and lifestyle newbie Abi tried to make a willow snail, we suddenly realised it wasn’t!

D-Day celebrations and commemorations
The exhibition in our reception and crafting projects gave a focus to reminiscing – wonderful for our team to hear such moving stories from residents. On the 6th June we had a church service and a party in the afternoon. Many of our residents dressed up, we had musical entertainment with lots of 1940’s songs and tributes to the courageous men and women who fought in the war.

Coming up!
Here is a snapshot of some of our events. For the full calendar please contact out Lifestyle and Wellbeing team lawnslifestyle@heritagemanor.co.uk
10th July: Sensory – let’s go to the beach
15th July: Summer postcards
16th July: Strawberry picnic
24th July: The Lawns seated Olympics
26th July: Armchair travel to Africa
August will be our carnival month with activities for the month based around that. Decorating walkers and wheelchairs, voting for King and Queen for a day, steel pan music, making hats, tie dye shirts etc.
5th August: Making Tie-Dye T-shirts
7th August: Sensory making jewellery
10th August: Carnival creations
12th August: Crafternoon making carnival hats and masks
13th August: Skittles challenge
16th August: Afternoon tea with family
24th August: Carnival Day!
27th August: Gents Group – a catch up on the summer of sport
29th August: Reminiscence – those hazy days of summer