It’s been a summer of sport with our Olympics celebrations and summer events. The weather has now definitely turned more autumnal and we have been chatting about the seasons changing. It’s that back to school time. We have been thinking of the children back in school, their new uniforms and that trepidation for the term ahead. Residents reminisced about the horrors of school meals. Everyone hated school mashed potato! Some of us even shuddered at the thought of Smash!

We spent a Saturday afternoon picking blackberries, apples and pears from our ‘secret garden’. There was reminiscing about blackberry picking as children and our cooking club made blackberry tarts. Thank you to our chef Louise for helping to make the blackberry jam!

Olympics fever at Abberton
Wasn’t it brilliant viewing! There was lots of chat about the sports and we followed avidly with our medals tally chart. Plus, a mini-Olympics of our own with garden games, quoits, badminton, javelin, bean bag targets and ball games. Certificates all round for our super competitive residents!
We had Olympics style magic musical moments and fitness sessions with Gunni from KidleyDivey.
Residents admired the para-Olympians and their “can do” attitude. So inspiring!
We learnt a lot about each other and the sports we have been involved with over the years. One of our residents played county tennis and she was her club captain for a number of years. She played tennis right into her late 80’s!

Summer fetes and strawberry teas
We have been out in the garden as much as possible, keeping up with the watering and planting perennials. Our gardens and hard work were much admired at our Summer Fete. Thank you to everyone who helped put together the event: The various stallholders selling crafts and cakes, our team and residents who ran the tombola, raffle and games. There were some fete classics like Hook a Duck and a Coconut Shy. They still have that timeless appeal and were loved by all our young visitors as much as our residents. The Fete was a big summer get together for family and friends. Raising £400 for our residents’ fund was the icing on the cake!

Following the success of the Fete we hosted a Strawberry Tea on the August bank holiday. Lots of garden games and delicious scones and jam, thanks to our kitchen team. The Pimms went down a treat too!

We the summer coming to an end we brought the seaside to Abberton, with sand and shells and a paddling pool. 99s from the ice cream van were a lovely addition too. We also marked National Prosecco Day in the only way possible!

From the Olympics to other summer news
Thank you to Zoolab who visited with their mini beasts. Okan of ZooLab was so informative. We met Sheldon the African snail, Boots the giant millipede, Venus the curly haired tarantula and Freda the tree frog,. Plus Frank the hissing Cockroach and Blossom the corn snake. It was a day of first experiences as our intrepid residents bravely held some of the animals. We once again proved you are never too old to try new things!

Some of our residents said they miss going to Church on a Sunday, so Church came to Abberton Manor. Many thanks to Rev Terry Walker for leading our service of Thanksgiving. One of our residents played the electric organ and we sang hymns together and listened to the bible readings. It was very uplifting. Next for the Autumn we are having a Harvest Festival celebration. Then our Remembrance Service on Saturday 9th November at 2.30pm lead by Rev Terry Walker.
One morning. Peter said over coffee, that he would love to see Colchester Castle. Well after planning and preparing we made that wish came true. It was a wonderful day trip and thank you to Sylvia and Steve. The sun shone, Peter tried the virtual chariot racing and held a Roman shield!

One of our much loved team members, Jenny, recently retired after 20 years working at Abberton Manor. We had a little party with a few surprises, gifts and a lot of appreciation. Thank you Jenny from all of the residents, families, staff and Heritage Manor team.

Looking ahead to Christmas!
There, we have said it! Christmas! Plans are afoot at Abberton!
Residents would like to get involved with Operation Christmas Child this year. We are putting together a few boxes of treats, toiletries and little gifts for children who may not otherwise get Christmas presents. Any donations welcome please.
Our residents and staff are already getting excited about our Christmas Lights switch on. Sunday 1st December 3-4pm, with special guests: Colchester Brass Band. Sure to be a magical start to the festive season!