We have said a BIG Hello and Welcome this New Year to our new Lifestyle and Wellbeing lead Sarah Beevers. She has already brought so much fun into our home, with special events such as Chinese New Year celebrations. Burn’s Night was fantastic with a quiz and haggis with neaps and tatties. National Puzzle Day was a clash of the titans – with our gents battling out a very competitive game of Jenga! Then fun facts and stories for Australia Day and even National Croissant Day.

The first Residents Meeting of the year was an opportunity for Sarah to hear what residents wanted to do more of. Feeding the birds was important, so we took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch weekend at the end of January and have been keeping feeders filled ever since. Sarah has started helping residents make their own personalised memory boxes. Such a lovely one to one activity and time to get to know each resident: What makes them tick, brings them happiness, their hobbies, loves, family and background. So important in building friendships and the support network within our Abberton family.

Hello and Welcome to Sarah
Sarah and her 12 year old son relocated to Colchester 20 months ago, from a small village near Whitby, in the heart of Heartbeat countryside!
They are loving the city of Colchester, and the accessibility to both the countryside and the coast. They are very outdoorsy people often on bikes, out walking and sketching. Sarah has even completed the Great North Run. She loves being creative; painting, scrapbook making, crafts and sewing, often hand making gifts for family and friends. She has brought all these talents to share with residents at Abberton.

Her background is mainly education and children’s work, but also as a social prescriber and other part time jobs. Over the years she has volunteered in various community groups, overseas missions and aid work. During COVID she fostered 3 siblings, and was interviewed on local radio for her many fostering achievements.
She is a fantastic listener and super caring, believing everyone has a gift and talent. She loves listening to people’s histories, and has researched her own family tree, finding out so many interesting facts.
In Sarah’s words; Why do I want to work at Abberton Manor?
If my grandparents were still with us, I would want them to be cared for in all ways – not just physically but also socially, intellectually and emotionally. Working at Abberton Manor gives me the privilege and exciting opportunity to make special memories for our lovely residents and families. We have had plenty of fun already and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of our lovely residents.
If I ever won the lottery, I would build a care home and a school with a garden in the middle and both pupils and residents would do a lot of activities together, meals, crafts, music, gardening, singing – there is so much we can learn from each other.
Sarah Beevers
Plans for February
- National Yorkshire pudding Day- yummy we can’t have a Sunday dinner without Yorkshire puddings
- National Pizza day -with Make your own Pizzas,
- Messy Monday – using paints to make Valentine’s cards and decorations,
- Chinese New Year activities and lunch,
- Friendly February month,
- National Muffin Day,
- Shrove Tuesday – making Pancakes,
- Visit from Musical Moments,
- National Boy Scout Day-Be Prepared,
- National Welsh Day activities,
- Making and filling bird feeders,
- Starting Gardening Club,
- Men’s club,
- Writing post cards to our new pen pals in Torquay,
- National Day of Kindness,
- Pastoral visit from our local Reverend,
- At the end of February we have a residents meeting and our first Coffee morning with family and friends of Residents.
Plans for March
- Comic Relief Day,
- St Patricks Day,
- International Read to Me Day,
- Global Recycling Day,
- Craft hour and Messy Monday,
- Mothering Sunday,
- Gardening club,
- Quiz afternoon,
- French Language Day,
- Football-Wales vs Finland,
- Rugby Woman’s Six Nation’s activities,
- Palm Sunday,
- visit from Kiddledivey,
- Residents Meeting,
- Easter egg decorating, Easter Crafts, Easter Sunday, Easter celebration with family and friends.