Harvest festival is a celebration of the bounty of Autumn. We have taken inspiration from Harvest festival to enjoy lots of events and activities.
Enjoying harvest time
We have been growing veggies and sunflowers over the summer, with the Hereford Growing Point Autumn Show in mind. Residents loved entering the show last year, and were keen to do so again. We took some residents along to the September show. They loved seeing everyone’s entries and enjoyed the tea and cake. We were delighted to be awarded two second prizes for our herb planter and homemade elderflower cordial.

We have recently subscribed to Living Paintings, an audio and tactile library for blind and partially signed people. One of the paintings that had been made into a 3D image was the famous Van Gogh Sunflowers. Very apt given we grew sunflowers for the Growing Point Show. The audio was so engaging that other residents were inspired to then paint the sunflowers.

Also inspired by Harvest Festival we made some vegetable prints with Olivia of Creative Minds, Hereford.

And residents loved a visit from the Luston C of E Primary School children who bought their autumn songs, poems and activities. They also bought a hamper of goodies, which residents enjoyed, including homemade jam and apple crumble!

Dance hall days
We ignored the rain and had a brilliant dance themed day. This was rounded off with Matt and Sarah from Coolmoves Dance and Fitness showing us how it’s done. It took the residents back to their dance hall days, watching them dance the Charleston. They even tried to teach the staff some moves!

We also had a lovely afternoon with Huw Knight. He bought in his accordions as he knew our resident Carmel would like to play them. Carmel challenged Huw to a duet and we all sang and danced along.

In other news…..
To support Fair-trade Fortnight we made our favourite Vegan organic fair-trade chocolate cookies! And enjoyed licking the bowl after!
We sadly haven’t seen any of the wonderful evening skies people have been reporting. However, to celebrate World Space Week we created our own solar systems and constellations.
Also coming up we have our Halloween competition. The perfect project for a rainy afternoon. We look forward to seeing what you create.