We have enjoyed all the preparations for Easter and celebrated in lots of different ways. Before that Nutrition and Hydration Week and Mother’s Day celebrations too.
Celebrating Easter
For our Easter competition we invited people to decorate an Easter wreath. This could be 2D or 3D and decorated using any material or medium; bought, natural or recycled. We received some beautiful designs and there were prizes for the winners, across each age category.

We had Olivia, from Creative Minds Herefordshire, on hand once again to help us get creative. This time making bunnies. Our bakers also made a traditional Simnel cake and Paul Hollywood flower pot buns. And our green-fingered residents made teacup floral arrangements.

Nothing says spring quite like a little lamb, but its not often anyone actually cuddles one! Our residents had that treat when the delightful Minnie came to visit. Such an amazing experience and a first for many residents to cuddle a lamb.

The children from Luston Primary School visited to read their poems, sing songs and read stories. Residents love to see their school work and ask lots of questions and give lots of praise. The children had home-grown Tete a Tete bulbs which they kindly gifted to residents with lovely handmade Easter cards. We also had a wonderful visit from the children at Ivington C of E Primary School. They sang beautifully and swapped stories with residents.

On the Easter weekend we had a family party with fun and games, hot cross buns and of course our delicious Simnel cake. Thank you to out kitchen team for a tremendous spread and all our staff who work tirelessly in the background.
Other news before Easter
We marked Nutrition and Hydration Week with lots of different flavours. The fruit juices and fruit kebabs were a bit hit – but not so much the herbal teas! Nothing beats a traditional brew!
The vegan options at dinner went down well. Every day we offer a menu to suit dietary and personal preferences. Our kitchen team are continuously looking at how to satisfy different tastes and challenges including allergens and texture modifications. They always welcome new recipe suggestions and favourites from residents. Ian likes to keep the kitchen on their toes – awarding them a score of 8 for their spaghetti with baked chicken , peas, roasted cherry tomatoes and goats cheese.

On Mothering Sunday we celebrated all the wonderful mothers whom we have had the pleasure of caring for. We loved having our families round for tea, accompanied by Margaret beautifully on the piano. Our resident-made carrot cakes went down very well!
Another award from West Eaton
We are delighted to have been awarded a Top 20 Care Home in the West Midlands award for 2024 from carehome.co.uk. Our home consistently scores 10 out of 10 in their online reviews, which praise our warmth and friendliness, outstanding person-centred care, dedication and professionalism. Our staffing team, with Charmaine at the helm, are incredibly proud to have received this award for a consecutive year.