It has been such a busy Spring jam packed with community events. We also welcomed Nuala to our Lifestyle and Wellbeing team. She is covering for Caroline who has now gone on maternity leave. We wish Caroline the best of luck and are looking forward to meeting her little one! And speaking of little ones, we have welcomed into the world here at Newstead some gorgeous ducklings!

Community events
Residents have been making over the past few weeks tie dye personalised T-shirts for the Yr 5 children of St Francis Xavier RC Primary School. They came to visit and their faces lit up when they received the T-shirts. Residents loved chatting with them about school and their hobbies. Such a lovely bunch.

The Ro-Stars Hereford First Football team have just been promoted to Herefordshire Premier league! So it was amazing that they took time out of their hectic Saturday schedule for lunch in the garden with our residents. It was so lovely to celebrate with them their success and hear about the matches and hopes for the Premier league. You have some top fans here cheering you on!

Last Sunday we were treated to a variety performance from some students from The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC). There were singers performing a range of songs including 9 to 5, Take Me Home Country Roads, and Flashlight. One singer performed with a Turkish guitar called a saz. Other students performed ballet. Afterwards, our residents chatted with the students including one who brought his guide dog Arnold for cuddles. Such a fantastic day.
Other community events included afternoons listening to The Timeless Choir, This Girl Loves to Sing and Eddie Graham. Music is certainly food for the soul and it has been such an uplifting time at Newstead.
Duckling diaries
- 26th March: The eggs, incubator and all the instructions arrived and were unpacked.
- 27th March: We watched our first duckling hatch! An amazing experience for our residents to witness a duckling peck its way out of its shell.
- 28th March: An extremely busy 24hrs as all of our duck eggs hatched.
- 29th-1st April: Cuddle time for these precious bundles of fluff. Just wonderful for our residents to be able to hold them.
- 2nd April: First swim. Residents gathered round and watched them plop one by one into the little pond we made. Then splash about and have a good preen ready for another swim tomorrow!
- 5th April: A bitter sweet day as we said goodbye to our ducklings. But we were delighted they went off to a loving home. Amy was thrilled to welcome them and they have settled in well with her other ducks and chickens.
- 19th April: Amy sent through some update photos so our residents could see our tiny ducklings now getting so big! They are loving their new home.
All the photos and duckling videos are on our Facebook page. But, here are some of our favourites.