What a summer of FUN, from the seaside, to Africa and then to carnival! We are sure our residents run on Duracell – they show absolutely no sign of slowing down!
Carnival capers at The Lawns
August was carnival month. As always, residents threw themselves into the theme. They created amazing masks and decorated butterflies and banners. We had a Mardi Gras quiz and a butterfly fashion show, which was a huge hit.

Residents even made their own carnival floats, decorating their wheelchairs and walking frames in their own styles. One was bee themed with posters saying “Bee Happy!” and our resident donned her bee boppers, along with her carnival mask.

The steel band and bongo drummers on our African armchair travel day really got us in the mood. Lots of dancing and residents really feeling the music.
All this hard work was for a fabulous procession on 31st August. So many people came along to give everyone a cheer. We even had our own Carnival Queen, Marjorie, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday. We had our end of summer party after the procession. Such a happy day of celebration – the atmosphere was wonderful. Thank you to our fantastic volunteers, family and friends for all embracing our carnival theme and to our brilliant care team. Together we made wonderful memories and had an absolute ball.
Here are some of the photos and click here for the procession video https://www.facebook.com/TheLawnsOfficial/videos/814678850834704

Happy 100th birthday Marjorie
Marjorie celebrated her 100th birthday on 16th August with a special card from King Charles. She also received over 100 cards from friends, family and our local community. Marjorie is such a lovely lady, who devoted her life to being a community nurse in the Kempsey area. Her family were her patients and friends, so she was very touched to receive so many birthday cards.
She enjoyed a wonderful party with residents at The Lawns. Her comment on 100 years is; “Live by your choices, look forward and live every day the best you can.”

Other summer news
Our residents have been reaping the rewards of all their hard work in the garden. We have been demonstrating the 5 p’s: planting, picking, podding, pot to plate! We have harvested delicious peas and runner beans. Our beetroot crop we boiled and pickled ready for our autumn ploughman’s suppers. We have enjoyed baking and jamming. Who doesn’t love a jam tart, especially when filled with residents homemade jam. A real sense of achievement and fulfilment for residents.

What a summer of sport, from the Euros to the Olympics. We hosted our own mini Olympics. There was pool noodle javelin, weight building, target feather flipping, shot put, fishing and shooting challenges. Plus volleyball, tennis and skittles. Incredible concentration and competitiveness and the odd bit of cheeky cheating! Thank goodness Joy was on hand adjudicating!

Lets go to the beach! We hosted a strawberry tea for family and friends. The Pimms went down a treat! There was postcard making and reminiscence (lots of laughter at the saucy postcards). Plus cuddles with Ziggy who spent the day in the garden making residents happy.