We have enjoyed lots of Autumn celebrations, featuring music, dance and crafting, to name a few!
Autumn celebrations
There was country music and singers for International Music Day. We had a visit from Libby of Musical Moments and are looking forward to our upcoming Diwali celebration. We have Ethan Schreiber of Bollywood Groove visiting for Indian dancing. Our carers are making Indian sweets and cheffing team creating an Indian meal for residents, friends and family.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Harvest Festival collection. We gave all the goodies to our local primary school to be distributed to families in need. And thank you to Rev Terry Walker for leading us in our Harvest Festival celebrations. Residents painted ceramic pumpkins and together with other crafting, flowers and foliage, made a fabulous harvest festival display.

There have been birthday celebrations for residents and a wedding to celebrate for Shirley. She was able with the marvels of technology, to watch her granddaughter getting married. We have enjoyed pub quizzes, lots of games and exercise with Gunni. There has been poetry, where residents made an accrostic poem about Peace. Plus pamper time for our ladies in our nail spa and our popular “On this day in history”.

A special part of the Abberton family, who keep our home ticking along nicely, so sparkly clean and up-together, are our housekeeping team. Residents took the opportunity of National House Keepers week to say thank you. They put together little gifts for Sharon and her team. We have also welcomed Sarah as our new home administrator. Such a great time to join as we look ahead to Christmas!
Operation Christmas Child
This is the first year our residents have taken part in the Operation Christmas Child Appeal. Their aim was to wrap and pack with gifts and toiletries a box for a girl and a box for a boy, so less fortunate children have little treats to open at Christmas time. Thanks to the generosity of our Abberton family and friends, residents have put together 8 boxes. It has given residents much pleasure to be involved with this project.

We have had lots of conversations about children around the world who don’t have the same opportunities as children here. Reminiscence about their childhoods and their hope for peace in the world. It feels ever more poignant now at this time of world turmoil and approaching Remembrance Sunday. We are welcoming Rev Terry Walker back for our Service of Remembrance on 9th November.
Festive plans
We kick off Christmas with our Christmas Lights switch on. This is Sunday 1st December 3-4pm, with special guests: The Colchester Brass Band. There will be refreshments and mince pies. Family and friends are welcome, but please let us know so we have an idea of numbers.
We do have a lot of rooms to decorate at Abberton! So if you have any unwanted artificial Christmas trees, please do send them our way!
Also, Christmas Jumper Day is Thursday 12th December, when we shall be getting into the festive spirit and fundraising for local charities.
We are welcoming new admissions and appreciate that Christmas can be a lonely or overwhelming time for some people. Admissions can be for long stay or respite care. Please give us a call for more information and see our brochure on our website.
Autumn celebrations / Abberton, Colchester