The weather may have been rainy but we have enjoyed fantastic entertainment, that has put the spring in our step! April is also “move more month”. Our exercise classes are with Fitnniss – Wellbeing in Care and Dance to Health. The boxing gloves and pads and stretchy bands are great for upper body strength and coordination.

Entertainment putting a spring in our step
We had a wonderful Easter celebrating with crafts, Easter bonnets and a visit from the Easter bunny. Thank you to Billy for donating the Easter eggs. St Anne’s Church came in for an Easter service and it was lovely to sing along to all the hymns. The JDR Trio also provided a fantastic afternoon of musical entertainment.
Over the Easter period, our very talented carer Sam crocheted us some little Easter treats, which were sold to raise money for the Summerdyne Having a Yarn Club. With the money raised we bought a new knitting machine and it’s safe to say it’s a big success! A massive thank you to Sam and anyone who purchased a handmade delight!

We also celebrated St George’s Day, with a traditional afternoon tea of scones and jam, strawberries and cream and a Victoria sponge cake. All wearing our red and white commemorative hats.
We also had the pleasure of welcoming the Lollipop Pony Parties to our home for some animal therapy. Everyone loves seeing these little ponies trotting around and putting a smile on everyone’s faces. They went from room to room for cuddles with all our residents.
Happy VE Day! We enjoyed an afternoon tea, music and reminiscing over stories of the first VE Day. We remembered all those who bravely fought for victory.

In other news
- For World Art Day we got our easels out and experimented with watercolours. We also crafted some wooden butterflies.
- Our residents have been loving our new Omi projector and we’ve slowly (but surely!) been working our way through all the games, from painting to football. Proving you are never too old for new technology!
- It’s that time of the year again!
- The Summerdyne Gardening Club have been busy bees today
- starting on the front plant pots…. many more updates to come.

Get your cowboy boots out, Summerdyne is bringing the Wild West to Bewdley with our 2024 Summer Fayre. The confirmed date is Saturday 24th August so fingers crossed for some sunshine. If you have a small business and would like to register interest for a stall at the Fayre please get in touch by phone, email or messenger. We look forward to seeing you all there.